+91 99459 74296

Business Studio

All-in-one Sales Automation System

Do you want to automate your business?

If not, consider these factors now. By automating, you can...

  • Save more time and money
  • Control your marketing budget
  • Convert more leads smartly
  • Get grip over your sales team
  • Retain all leads and customers for future

Download an ebook free on how to automate your online business.

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Business Studio Automation Platform

Business Studio is an all-in-one business automation system where an entrepreneur gets the automation platform, business services and trainings. We're specialised in automating the business growth with latest technology and go-to-market automation strategies.


Features of Business Studio

KSN walks a startup through the process from ideation to the goals. Note the major benefits to be a part of KSN:

  • Unlimited CRM & Users
  • Unlimited Websites & Funnels
  • Invoicing & Payments
  • Unlimited Triggers & Automations
  • Appointments & Calendars
  • Social Media Planner
  • Email Marketing
  • Learning Management System
  • WhatsApp API
  • Sales Automation Set-Up & Support
  • Facebook Lead Integration & Automation
  • and more...


Automating Online Business

When it comes to running a successful company, it is important to remember that your business, as well as the markets you serve, are not static, but are in a constant state of flux. This means that over time you'll need to refine and redesign your systems and controls.

The more you grow, the more that growth will require you to evolve your systems. Rapid growth will continue to make increasing demands on your outdated systems. The systems that worked for a $500,000-a-year business will no longer be sufficient to cope with a $5 million company.

This is why you need to approach your systems and controls as a work in progress as you continue to scale your business. As you grow your business, your policies and controls must grow with you if you want to run a successful business.

The Team

The brand and hands behind the start-up

Subilal K

Founder & CEO

About Founder

Mr. Subilal predominantly works for Entrepreneurs. His expertise is in growing businesses using digital strategies and digital tools. He does research on automating the business functions to achieve the complete business automation. He is also an author on entrepreneurship. Read "7 Important Steps Before You Quit" Your Job in Amazon Kindle.

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+91 99459 74296


Kerala Startup Network

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

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